They are more sour and refreshing, with juicier flesh and a stronger taste.
Its yellowish, slightly orange, juicy flesh does not adhere to the kernel.
Ugli Fruit are large and knobbly but with sweet, juicy flesh.
To the dry bones of this grammar Bhaṭṭi has given juicy flesh in his poem.
Plump, juicy flesh and a succulent taste of the sea is what you are looking for once they are cooked.
The fruit has hard, light green skin and a crisp, juicy flesh.
The sweet, juicy flesh comes away easily.
But the skin crackles so compellingly above moist, juicy flesh that this becomes more than just another bird.
However, it seemed to be a relatively safe position until Marjorie gave up her quest for fresh, juicy flesh.
Dot bit through the taut and burnished skin of the apple into juicy flesh.