To her right the shore ran straight for half a league, just sand and dark patches of jumbled rock.
From this distance, they could easily see that all its jumbled rock formed a single pattern.
Cyric ignored her and looked at his feet, trying to visualize the jumbled, gray rocks upon which he had been sitting.
The paddock stood emerald green, its low fence golden, above the jumbled dark rock.
To the left, an immense wall of blue ice rose a kilometer up from the jumbled rock of the base to the top.
By daylight, the first three steps looked less like stairs and more like jumbled rock.
It didn't take long once they reached the jagged jumbled rocks of the cliffs to find a deep rock overhang.
He pointed to a vast pile of jumbled rock to one side of the peak.
They descended, crossed the jumbled rocks with light, thirty-foot leaps.
He stepped carefully over the jumbled rocks outside the mouth, then waited on level ground for Nabil.