It cried and clambered free, jumping awkwardly, yet landing on its feet.
Can save time by jumping up walls rather than awkwardly jumping on platforms or other objects.
He jumped awkwardly and late, throwing himself over.
Gaspode caught up with Carrot, jumping awkwardly through the snow.
I waved my arms and yelled, then jumped awkwardly to one side as the car rushed past.
A few passersby looked at the dirty boy in the torn blazer and untucked, flapping shirt as he jumped awkwardly down from the fence, but not many.
Thereafter the movie jumps awkwardly forward and back in its attempt to account for more than 50 years of the emperor's utterly passive life.
My heart palpitated, jumping awkwardly in my chest.
Wooten did neither, awkwardly jumping past Mills but not colliding with him.
A young girl dressed in a scalloped tunic and kerchief jumps awkwardly on a makeshift outdoor stage beneath the Queensboro Bridge in the late 1960's.