The Vietnamese population has jumped from 5,000 to 40,000 since 1980.
Crime in this poor neighborhood has jumped since the war, the Americans said.
"I've actually jumped just one day since the Olympics," he said.
This also marked the first time that Phoenix jumped to a 2-0 series lead since 1987.
Most hotels are operating at or near capacity, and the average room rate has jumped 38.5 percent, to $187, since 1991.
In Japan, the number of recalled vehicles has jumped 41-fold since 2001, to 1.9 million last year.
Real incomes at the 99.99th percentile have jumped more than 300 percent since 1980.
He said that Chrysler's warranty costs had jumped 50 percent since 1993, to $2 billion or more.
Scrap steel prices are up 12 percent from a year ago and energy costs have jumped since early August.
The 30-year bond yield jumped to its highest level since August.