The jump-off point in Talisay is suitable for day trips and overnighters.
"It is inconceivable that a 10-day trip can be the jump-off point for creating newly committed Jews."
Most units were already down and moving to their jump-off point, so the mood was somber as the meeting was drawing to a close.
It took them three days to hike from the jump-off point in Alfonso Castaneda.
It took five minutes to get to their jump-off point.
"Almost two thousand miles from his jump-off point as the crow flies."
Now, three days later, they were more than forty miles from their jump-off point.
The city is also the jump-off point for exploring the Tubbataha Reef.
They then used Gibraltar as the jump-off point for the rest of Europe.
We just heard that we'll be moving west in a few minutes to the jump-off point.