Colors ran across his cheeks and brows in a fountain-spray of hues: jungle green was overthrown by lava orange; lava orange was replaced by yellow-white tropical sunshine; sunshine was supplanted by the chilly blue of Northern oceans.
We had passed now from the jungle green of Fedu to the jungle green of Maradu.
New prints have been made, using a Technicolor dye-transfer process that gives Vittorio Storaro's cinematography a vivid chiaroscuro of misty grays, jungle greens and blood red.
I smelled jungle greens.
Upriver, she imagined, it would be dark green again, rather than the diffuse jungle green of summer, in which there was no blue.
I had on my jungle greens, puttees, boots, web belt with service revolver, and battered bush hat which I had worn all the way through India, Assam, and Burma, and which I had refused to change for new-issue berets.
As soon as I stepped out of their shadow, my body oozed sweat into my newly laundered jungle greens.
I was coming all over my bloody jungle greens.
It crossed my mind that I had seen one of them before somewhere, but they conformed very much to a pattern, being tall, fair, tanned, dressed in jungle greens, stern, alert.
By contrast, my jungle green was already wet under the arms and between my shoulder-blades.