You have invented a junk faith and you ask it to justify your junk culture!
There's still an aspect of junk culture about them.
It could help new culture flower when what we're seeing is this overwhelming junk culture.
No one was proposing to "junk Western culture," insisted Stanford's president, Donald Kennedy.
He has "binged on junk culture," as he puts it, and that might in fact be romantic ruination, of a kind.
I think Tim's the first director out there to be filtering junk culture through an art-school sensibility.
Theatre for theatre's sake is unsatisfying junk culture, just like "l'art pour l'art".
But the biggest influence on Ms. Lunch's sensibility is American junk culture, from food to entertainment.
What he has done on screen, however, is to reduce the Neverland to the lowest common denominator of American junk culture.
Parents of the young killers place blame on the surfeit of guns, the influence of junk culture and children stressed to a snapping point.