A military junta government was established, and the commander of the National Guard, Brig.
As head of a temporary junta government, Figueres enacted nearly 1000 decrees.
The vessel was suspected of carrying arms for the Burmese junta government.
There have been the efforts by military junta government to incorporate the King's 'Sufficiency Economy' (Localism) in the national economic policy.
Eltit is and was, especially during the junta government, a performance artist and social examiner.
This is because foreign investors have been adversely affected by the junta government policies and because of international pressure to boycott the junta government.
Eventually, the ensuing junta government would hand the government back to elected officials.
Appointed Police Commissioner of Thailand by a military junta government.
But the junta government fell right about the time the screenplay was completed.
Prior to seizing power, Ioannides preferred to work in the background and never held any formal office in the junta government.