Taking place in Historic Downtown Grayslake on Center Street every June, Grayslake offers arts and crafts from over 70 juried artists, and an art exhibit from the local high schools.
Firmly established, the festival drew record crowds in 2007, when juried artists exhibited and sold their artwork in a specially built artists' village.
The streets will be crammed with booths containing the work of more than 200 juried artists and artisans from across the country.
Still, a testament to this new tradition is underscored by the fact that some of the original juried artists she procured continue to exhibit.
The festival has grown to include over 100 juried artists, 50 local/invitational artists, four live music stages, youth arts, acts of art, and concessions.
Through the negotiated agreements with the City, merchants are not allowed to display merchandise outside their stores during festival hours and street art (beyond the juried artists) and music is not permitted.
More than 150 juried artists exhibit their works along with live entertainment, fine food and a variety of performers.
The festival features over 225 juried artists and craftspeople from the United States and Canada, live music, children's activities and food.
The International Contemporary Art Prize open to juried artists who submit three works of any artistic format as part of an annual contemporary art exhibition to be held in Monaco.
Sprawled across the 32 acres of Veterans' Park overlooking the harbor will be works by 200 juried artists and artisans, oystering boats and tall ships.