It followed that the proper jurisdictional limits were the same as those applying to subpoenas, which cannot be addressed to persons outside the United Kingdom.
The critical question, the answer to which underlies any statement concerning jurisdictional limits, is whose relative opinion on which matters should be held to be authoritative?
Roger Smith, a marine archeologist with the state Division of Historical Resources, said both were outside the state's three-mile jurisdictional limit.
And between you and me, I have no idea what my jurisdictional limits are in a situation like this.
There are no jurisdictional monetary limits on the types of lawsuits that a statutory probate court may hear.
In their civil jurisdiction, inferior courts operate within jurisdictional and monetary limits.
These courts hear similar matters to the Magisterial District Courts, but the jurisdictional limit is $12,000.
He said that had Congress meant to impose such a drastic jurisdictional limit, "it could easily have used broader statutory language" and done so explicitly.
Nor has it felt bound by territorial or jurisdictional limits.
Allegations of brutality and questions of jurisdictional limits created national headlines in what came to be known as "La Huelga."