This agreement is a real measure of both the concern that's out there and a recognition that pro-active economic development has to cross local jurisdictional lines.
Rather than jurisdictional lines built upon geographic areas, the King's Family establishes dioceses and congregations relationally.
The tunnel provided enough distance from the prison to stealthily subvert those jurisdictional lines and allow prisoners to slip into the dark streets unchallenged.
Which had rail fences along jurisdictional lines, and woodchuck and gopher holes a horse could break a leg in.
The present system of jurisdictional lines, he says, makes an enforcer look like a Peter Sellers detective.
We need to have, allow small businesses to write across - insurance across jurisdictional lines so small business can afford health care.
The area of an MPO may cross other established jurisdictional lines of government.
The bioterrorism is a defensive war, it crosses many jurisdictional lines, including state and local governments, and we don't control when new facts come to light.
Participants study key homeland security topics and issues while building working relationships and networks across local, state, tribal, federal, and jurisdictional lines.
"It's not a threat to the national program; where jurisdictional lines are drawn does not affect what our responsibilities are."