Both men must have seen that Ramsey might be attempting to avoid a grand jury appearance.
They couldn't help recognizing that the attack followed by only three days the President's now legendary grand jury appearance.
Officers can be out on patrol instead of making grand jury appearances.
He was ordered held pending a grand jury appearance on Friday.
Some have retained their own lawyers only in recent days, leaving them little time to prepare for the grand jury appearance.
Anger is not the best state of mind in which to prepare for a grand jury appearance.
I knew from my own experience that a grand jury appearance is nerve-racking.
States may also continue to prevent witnesses from revealing the testimony of others, or any new information they learned during their grand jury appearance.
In the days before his grand jury appearance, the President and his lawyers built a new line of defense.
To her, the grand jury appearance, expected to last three days, represents the opportunity to set the record straight.