That gives a new definition to just-in-time delivery.
Most companies are betting that they will, although many hedge their bets by adopting just-in-time delivery and other modern methods of keeping inventories low.
Having fewer suppliers makes it easier to move towards just-in-time delivery of components.
Such an agricultural factory could also negotiate bargain prices from suppliers and other concessions, like just-in-time delivery.
Some workers drive trucks equipped with computers and modems and make just-in-time deliveries.
Baxter's daily "just-in-time" deliveries to the hospital loading dock were only the first step.
All three provide just-in-time deliveries to the loading dock, but the hospital takes charge of internal distribution.
A booming economy combined with a shift to just-in-time deliveries has meant a boom for the truck business.
Similarly, retailers that require just-in-time delivery will help Mexico keep its factories.
"They run on just-in-time delivery, and there's no stuff laying around like I recall years ago up at Studebaker."