The director of criminal justice services would be the chairman of the committee, and the health department would have roles on both committees.
This, she explained, would be an "end-to-end criminal justice service.
Many criminal justice services are privatized because the government lacks the means to carry them out.
This programme has shown the massive savings to health, social care and criminal justice services.
He now works as a deputy to Katherine Lapp, the state's commissioner of criminal justice services.
Our aim will be to ensure that justice services are provided by whoever can most effectively and efficiently meet public demand.
The Ministry delivers and administers a wide range of justice services including:
The division provides juvenile justice services for pre-trial and adjudicated youth.
As the task force was studying the issue, $900,000 was cut from state support for civil equal justice services.
The state's division of criminal justice services prompted local police departments to adopt the new system.