It's a justifiable fear.
I believe the American people have a genuine and justifiable fear of government intrusion in what they instinctively know is going to be an ever more intrusive world.
Still, justifiable fears of toxicity have persisted.
The Egyptians' unease about globalization is rooted partly in a justifiable fear that they lack the technological base to compete.
There is still a reasonable, justifiable fear of a serious recession, if not a depression.
It is a justifiable fear.
"Since there is not an appropriate response from the public security forces, the people have lost faith and have a justifiable fear."
Even Israeli doves believe that to satisfy justifiable Israeli fears, Arabs must submit their fantasies to a prolonged peace process.
It is not only a justifiable fear about the economic consequences of a war which isolates and disrupts.
The real threat of terrorism and the justifiable fear of it lie not in the quantity of terrorist acts but in their scope and potential.