The song has drawn criticism for its glorification of violence as a justified response to the infidelity suffered by the subject of the song.
Douglas Hurd, the British Foreign Secretary, said the raid was a justified response to the threat to Bihac, but did not represent any taking of sides.
The economists said near-record stock and bond levels in no way constituted a bubble, but were rather a justified response to lower interest rates and President Clinton's deficit-reduction efforts.
The invasion in June 1982 was seen by Israelis at first as a justified response to years of border harassment.
"But it might have been a personally justified response."
Example: "President Clinton has indelibly associated a justified military response ... with his own wrongdoing.
They saw it as a firm and justified response to provocative cross-border Hezbollah raids and rocket attacks.
The Serbs say they feel their action is a justified response to the Bosnian attack on them.
This resolution is a justified response to this exploitation.