It teaches that not even a great triumph, not even a completely justified use of force, nor even a victory ordained by the Almighty can be celebrated without mournfully acknowledging the terrible loss involved.
Can there be a more justified use of the word?
But the more basic indictment arising from the CBS investigation goes beyond the occasional, possibly justified use of force.
But, he said, the mailings - including a $44,000 direct mailing about a drug hot line and a letter about Shoreham - were justified uses of government money.
In the current case, they wrote, all those objectives were met and the study "exemplifies the ethically justified use of placebo surgery."
I think "data hog" here is being used to define those who make arguable use of their bandwidth, not to define those who have a truly justified use.
Some scholars believe that this massacre set the legal precedent for the justified use of force in future riots.
There instructors teach the recruits departmental policies on justified use of force and present rudimentary details of some of the most controversial incidents involving deadly force, such as the Bumpurs and Stewart cases.
NATO's bombing raid yesterday against the Bosnian Serbs, its first in six months, was a justified use of force to safeguard the civilians of Sarajevo.
It seems to me not to be a justified use of public funds.