The Tories might be insistent on their answer, but that doesn't justify denying the people the opportunity to decide the answer for themselves.
It is hard to see any anti-competitive danger that justifies denying people these benefits.
The country's High Court has told the government to justify denying aid to the deportees.
There isn't an argument here that justifies denying the confirmation of a preexisting custody agreement.
They are meant to imply the obsolescence and inaccuracy of gender stereotypes that justified denying women the vote, such as separate spheres philosophy.
He also worried that managed care organizations might seize upon the study and use it to justify denying payment for allergy injections in people with asthma.
The safety of civilian air traffic was used to justify denying the Americans permission to fly out of Dreux.
In this case, the plaintiffs argued that the state had no compelling interest to justify denying them the right to vote.
(Op-Ed, April 26), he presupposes illegal immigrants' guilt in order to justify denying them due process.
But that does not justify denying federal workers their longstanding rights.