President Theodore Roosevelt routinely invoked a national decline in manliness to justify aggressive westward expansion and foreign imperialism.
Scientific racism was most common during the New Imperialism period (c. 1880s - 1914) where it was used in justifying White European imperialism.
Such ideas were incorporated into what was already an ongoing effort by some working in anthropology to provide scientific evidence for the superiority of Caucasians over non white races and justify European imperialism.
These younger scholars charged that the Fairbank and other leaders of the area studies movement had helped to justify American imperialism in Asia.
Later critics charged that determinism served to justify racism and imperialism.
Roosevelt used the speech to justify American imperialism as well.
It also instructed them in the principle of hakkō ichiu, which would be used to justify imperialism.
However, by the mid-19th century, environmental determinism was under attack for lacking methodological rigour associated with modern science, and later as serving to justify racism and imperialism.
The alleged superiority of a civilization justifies colonialism and imperialism.
He discovered that the film's message had been changed during editing; it seemed to justify imperialism and upholding the "White Man's Burden."