I also saw - I also could not see a general philosophical principal that would justify segregation by law.
This was used to justify racial segregation and discrimination' Racially segregated school libraries in KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa' by Jennifer Verbeek.
The first used states' rights and constitutional arguments to justify segregation on an intellectual level; Kilpatrick was an important leader of this faction.
The second group used highly emotional language to justify segregation for reasons of racial purity, often inclining toward the anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic.
This was used to justify racial segregation and discrimination in the following decades.
She reported that pregnancy worsened leprosy, and tried to justify segregation which her teacher Mitsuda firmly believed.
The Federal Housing Association allowed developers to justify segregation within public housing.
But using African-American disappointment and anger at resistance to integration to justify segregation is perverse.
In 1954, the Supreme Court in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas ruled that "separate but equal" could not be used to justify segregation of public schools.
Skrabanek claims that healthism justifies racism, segregation, and eugenic control; for the healthist, what is "healthy" is moral, patriotic, and pure; while what is "unhealthy" is foreign, polluted, and impure.