Here and there, we passed barren hills, pyramids of black basalt jutting forth from the flat sands.
Then a hatch much lower on the ship's side rolls open and a ramp juts forth.
The eyes become crescent slits; the chin juts forth; the famous mouth opens so wide a lion could stick its head in.
A long courtyard deck jutted forth like a notched broadsword.
She curtsied deeply, that we might enjoy a better view of her bosoms, which jutted forth from her bodice.
But plainest of all was what had been painted on one massive rock which jutted forth from the wall.
Shane shouted, his chin jutting forth.
Somewhere near the middle of the column body, four sturdy arms jutted forth strangely.
Two rock shelves jutted forth, near the floor and several meters higher, indicating that stone reached at least that far.
"That's rather crudely put, old man," observed the escutcheoned Doozie, jutting forth his chin as he fidgeted.