If no 19 kHz pilot tone is present, then any signals in the 25-53 kHz range are ignored by a stereo receiver.
The 6200 to 6300 kHz (47.62-48.38 m) range is most commonly used.
Methods were sought to produce these higher RF power supplies to operate in the 200 to 400 kHz range.
This is typically in the 1-2 kHz range.
This switch usually occurs when the sweep reaches the 3.5 to 4.0 kHz range.
This call occurs in the 4.5 kHz range, and is effective in traveling long distances.
However, when their prey are in flight, they employ an alarm signal in the 7-8 kHz range.
Power ultrasound in the 20-100 kHz range is used in chemistry.
It is possible to measure the full 20-20 kHz range using a sweep.
The deep water species mentioned in your article operate highly directional echo location systems in the 32 to 80 kHz range.