There is not much to the work, phenomenologically speaking, beyond the initial, mildly kaleidoscopic effect of its mirrors.
The circus-derived dancing flows into a kaleidoscopic effect that is fun while it lasts.
For Stevens the kaleidoscopic effect also added motion sickness, but now did not seem like a good time to bring that up.
The kaleidoscopic effect filled their senses with constantly changing impressions.
Bright lights in kaleidoscopic effect circled at the edge of his vision.
Then an almost blinding light, and sparkling figures reflected everywhere, creating a kaleidoscopic effect.
The result is a kaleidoscopic effect that has a decorative quality reminiscent of an Islamic mosaic.
The endless display cases (below), the mirrors, the Chinese characters and the pretty sales girls - it all adds up to a slightly kaleidoscopic effect.
Its kaleidoscopic effects are best appreciated if the wine is drunk young and lightly chilled.
The dances don't, for the most part, have steps, merely patterns, weavings and turnings that create a kaleidoscopic effect on the floor.