The White community demanded a kangaroo trial which had been common under the Republicans on trials involving a White victim and Colored assailant.
He was also responsible for conducting kangaroo trials and calling for the execution of all the people who were accused of plotting against Hitler.
He also continued running his multibillion-dollar drug empire from jail, ordering killings and holding kangaroo trials in which he sentenced cartel rivals to death, officials said.
No such fortune awaited Zafar: he was arrested, given a kangaroo trial and exiled to Burma.
Foreign correspondents in Beijing reported what they could collect about the kangaroo trials, but the world's eyes watered with boredom.
The special tribunal was described as a "kangaroo trial" by journalist Lawrence Lifschultz and led to his expulsion from the country by the military junta of Ziaur.
In December, authorities convened a public kangaroo trial of the movement's leaders, and handed out sentences of imprisonment and internal exile.
After a kangaroo trial in Clonmel, he was hung for murder and treason, crimes with little basis, no reliable witnesses and no proof.
Planeloads of Westerners arrive in China, see what their self-interest or mindset permit - quality control but not police control, more computers but not more kangaroo trials.
The Soviet NKVD executed about 65,000 imprisoned Poles after kangaroo trials.