After a karaoke party the two set off on their honeymoon.
It was suggested to Mr. Beard that there were more beautiful women per square foot at the karaoke party than anywhere on the Serengeti.
These days Mr. Nicolas's karaoke party is that event.
Those 14 to 17 get karaoke parties.
She also holds karaoke parties in her office on weekends.
Murray sings in a scene where his character is at a karaoke party.
In the film Shrek (2001), one of the background characters is doing the "Little Kicks Dance" at the karaoke party.
Patch secretly orders strippers as the 'special' entertainment, which Hank thinks is going to be a karaoke party.
Betty, attempting to befriend her neighbors, decides to throw a karaoke party.
The 2002 and 2003 conventions featured special karaoke parties hosted by actor Andy Hallett.