At the time, he was also a keen horseman, a skill which he used to advantage in carrying out experiments in the use of cavalry weapons.
He was a keen horseman and twice appointed master of the Adelaide Hunt Club.
He is also a keen horseman.
Lake was a keen horseman and on his release from prison Dors presented him with a mare named Sapphire.
As a teenager, Ricketts was a keen horseman who chose football over equestrianism.
Count Octavian was eccentric but a keen horseman.
He played rugby union for the Bangalow Royals and was a keen horseman participating in dressage events.
Lord Grimthorpe's father, the 4th Baron, was a keen horseman with a reputation as a shrewd gambler.
He was a keen horseman and accomplished swordsman and former competitive archer.
The plains of the Tuggeranong Valley allowed him to develop a passion for horseriding, and he became a very keen horseman.