At that familiar sight, Bob Eden felt a keen pang of nostalgia.
His wife, realising too late the awful effect of her idiotic antagonism to Skeffington's, experiences the keenest pangs of despair.
A keen pang of regret twisted inside Brooke as she greeted the two-star general and his ridiculously beautiful wife.
MARZIO: Torture me as ye will: A keener pang has wrung a higher truth From my last breath.
Fruits, growing in plenitude; assuaged the keenest pangs of hunger.
He looked quietly at his brother, who stood lost in thought, staring at the darkened earth, and he felt a keen pang of sorrow at the remembrance of the other's loyalty.
But now, after the kindling again of so many memories, the first touch of her body, musical and strange and perfumed, sent through him a keen pang of lust.
He rattled off the translation of these unfamiliar terms so fluently that Bezzanna felt a sudden keen pang of jealousy.
The keen pang and burn of the lead was a constant and all-powerful reminder of the grim work left for him to do.
Sisko felt a keen pang of envy: a race that did not know loss.