Andry had not done the same-not because he was more modest than Andrade, or less ambitious, but because his ambitions were more keenly focused.
The Hoover staff is keenly focused on standards-based instruction and consistently uses data to chart and plan for improvement.
She described the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) regime as "extremely important," noting that the Egyptian parliament and media are keenly focused on it.
Simone Forti brings a keenly focused concentration to her work that pulls the audience along for the ride.
While Khomeini was keenly focused on the ulama's right to rule and the state's "moral and ideological foundation", he did not dwell on the state's actually functioning or the "particulars" of its management.
The predators are keenly focused on the shoals, acutely aware of their numbers and whereabouts, and make migrations themselves that can span thousands of miles to connect, or stay connected, with them.
Corvus' gaze became more keenly focused.
But now the whole team were keenly focused on the game.
The Small Munsterlander is a happy, affectionate family pet when in the house, while remaining a keenly focused, even driven, hunter-pointer-retriever when in the field.
In a similar way, his keenly focused listening to other music takes him to the nub in the mind, to the musical event pure and simple, and not to its place in any larger scheme of tradition or history.