The intifada "collaborator syndrome," where fear of being hacked up by compatriots keeps Palestinians from cooperating with Israel, soon may surface in Jordan as well.
The barriers not only keep Palestinians out of Israel but also make it difficult for them to travel from one area to another inside the West Bank.
U.S. support for Israel that keeps Palestinians in the Israelis' thrall.
The contradiction between keeping Palestinians under military occupation while settlers enjoy the rights of Israeli citizens has become glaring, even to the Israeli center-right.
Israel has a stake in keeping Palestinians from descending further into chaos.
Israeli soldiers manned roadblocks along major highways today to keep Palestinians out of Israel and journalists out of the occupied territories.
At this point, it is not clear if any amount of outside pressure can keep the Israelis and Palestinians from continuing to pummel each other.
To ease some of them, he will loosen the blockade that has kept Palestinians from jobs in Israel.
In the Israeli-controlled part of town, a strict curfew kept Palestinians confined to their homes.
One power after another used one R or another - sometimes all three - to keep Palestinians in their place.