A strategy memorandum circulated this week by the Democratic National Committee said the party believed that it could keep Republicans on the defensive.
But Administration officials are continuing to debate how they should seek financing for the plan to keep Republicans in Congress from cutting other foreign aid programs.
But some Republican Congress watchers said that the Bush campaign had tried to keep Congressional Republicans at arms length.
He argues that it would keep Republicans from having any real influence on the legislation.
The White House also worked behind the scenes this week to keep Republicans on board.
There are signs that the efforts to keep Republicans from defecting are working.
For Hastert, it's not winning his seat; it's keeping hold of the speaker's chair, which means he has to keep Republicans in control.
Voters are somewhat conservative on social issues and matters regarding "law and order", which kept Republicans in the seat for over a quarter century.
This Parliamentary group consisted of Confederate veterans who sought to keep Republicans from taking office.
As the debate intensified, conservative groups were working to keep Republicans from breaking ranks.