But race does matter, and I believe it is race, at least partly, that has kept good black candidates from being named head coaches.
The amount of paperwork and disclosure is keeping excel-lent candidates from accepting government positions.
I want to keep other candidates scratching their heads.
Over the years, election officials raised the entry fee to keep irreverent candidates from entering races, but it did not work - until last week.
At the same time, providing more timely public funding might keep candidates from looking for loopholes.
The Democratic machine used them for years to keep independent candidates at bay.
And I certainly wouldn't want this decision to keep competent candidates from serving on boards.
Other measures agreed to today would eliminate requirements frequently used to keep candidates off the ballot.
Both Republicans and Democrats here say they agree election laws should be changed, especially the hypertechnical ones used to keep candidates off the ballot.
The bill's proponents said that peer and public pressure would have kept candidates from exceeding the limits.