Theo's review has certainly made me desperate to read the real thing - if only copies didn't keep disappearing from my desk!
Problem is, the products are so popular with the cast that they keep disappearing from the set!
But their little brother, Ernesto, turns out to be a handful of trouble, especially when he keeps disappearing on the guys.
Since then, they had run the accelerator many more times, and as always, the beams kept disappearing.
The last straw came when he kept disappearing to shoot up while playing with Harley.
But one man kept disappearing into the woods, and Miller was concerned.
The man himself, however, keeps disappearing just around the next corner.
The moon outside the window kept appearing and disappearing behind shreds of clouds.
I expect Perry often wondered why her make up kept disappearing.
Those with salt maintained a sweet, clean taste, and they kept disappearing.