So I passed without halting two other limbs which offered tempting resting places and kept doggedly on.
And all the time Maryk doggedly kept adding to his secret log.
If she could no longer rise to an adventurous life of the spirit, she could keep doggedly on.
Other cars were keeping doggedly to his trail, despite his high speed.
Sleep was so heavy upon her that she had to force her eyelids open, keep doggedly chewing and swallowing.
The detectives looked more tired than he felt, but they doggedly kept at it.
All the same, he kept doggedly down the stairs, feet noiseless on the heavy carpet.
It was not easy to drag information out of them, but the Cimmerian youth kept doggedly at it.
He started walking and kept doggedly on, pausing to rest only when his legs threatened to buckle.
But Tom was sure of the direction in which the two had disappeared, and he and Ned kept doggedly on.