We kept the old ones, except for the oven, which was destroyed in the flood.
Nieh listened impassively; he kept silent, except for a couple of questions to guide her along, till she was through.
Winter keeps them all in their camps, except for scattered skirmishes and raids.
He'd keep the five-year limit on the books, except for an 18-month moratorium on some cases.
Enough wind to keep me going nicely most of the time, except for a couple of hours dead calm yesterday afternoon.
I am very delicate and keep my room till evening, except for an airing at noon.
I suggest the following: Keep the screen up, except for an opening for the cage to be taken out.
He kept wicket in all except for one of the matches in 1934.
Five years ago, the city started aggressively enforcing its 1998 ban on electronics to keep cellphones out of schools, except for students with medical conditions.
Even the new muscle was keeping pretty blank, except for a certain nervous flicker around the eyes.