The state expects to provide about $2 million a year in subsidies, which should keep fares below Amtrak's $22 round-trip fare, he said.
Mr. Murphy said that because of the increases the industry had room to cut and still keep fares high enough to make a profit.
These precious funds could pay for new subway cars and buses, and help keep fares down.
The authority would still have hundreds of millions of dollars left over to improve service or keep fares at current levels, if it chose to.
But the commuters raised concerns about whether such savings would be used to keep fares down and improve services.
More recently, consumers have kept fares from rising by using the Internet to shop.
The authority said it would be able to keep fares at current levels without disrupting service.
United's dominance scares away other international carriers and keeps fares high, critics say.
"It not only gives more travel options, but it tends to keep fares down."
DTC said it had found using older models a reliable and cost effective way of keeping fares down.