I suppose it makes money and keeps people in jobs, if consumers want it, then why not let them have it though.
How many real people would benefit from £400 million budget to keep them in jobs or to provide services?
They seem to think that the regulatory regimes exist purely to keep them in jobs at sky high salaries.
Denial has a way of keeping people in unrewarding jobs until a crisis forces them to confront their diminishing prospects.
But trying to keep people in jobs and the economy growing is just sensible economics, if we are going to repay government and personal debt.
For years hospital administrators took advantage of nurses' idealism to keep them in stressful, often dangerous jobs.
There are thousands of employees (if not millions) who are indifferent to the people who keep them in jobs.
Brown answered it with a quip on unemployment because government policies have kept people in jobs, which is the more important issue on the economy.
There are plenty of examples around the world where fisheries policy aids conservation and keeps fishermen in jobs and doing what they want to do.
That, he reckons, will keep a lot of East Germans in jobs while they learn western ways.