Authorities no longer have faith in rehabilitation; their job now is mainly to keep inmates from killing each other and their keepers.
The facility offers offenders many programs to keep inmates productively occupied and to present to opportunity for change.
All the security there was designed to keep inmates inside.
What can be done to keep inmates from returning to prison once they are released?
If you want to keep inmates from returning to prison, you have to change where they are released to.
The limiting of "good time" has removed a tool that prison officials have used to keep inmates in line.
The sheriff later discovered that the company sometimes paid the medical director $250 bonuses for keeping inmates out of the emergency room.
Often he'd have to hide the painting to keep other inmates from messing it up, gimmick or no.
Each penitentiary is drawing up its own plans, which vary depending on whether the prison keeps inmates under maximum security.
These would be used to keep inmates of the labor programs resident on the installations.