Devices would not be allowed to transmit at more than one watt of power to keep different institutions from interfering with each other.
One draft suggests that the Arab nations pay $40 million a month for the next six months so the Palestinian Authority can meet its payroll as well as keep public institutions running.
The Palestinians will keep their headquarters and institutions in Jerusalem whatever Israel says, the PLO leader on the occupied West Bank said defiantly on Monday.
He also said he had doubts about how long the Government could keep financial institutions from selling stock they own.
It is clearly forbidden by the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, designed to keep financial institutions from mingling federally insured bank deposits with Wall Street trading.
A main purpose of the talks is to remove barriers that keep banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions from doing business in foreign countries.
"It's quite clear that keeping defunct institutions in the market worsens the environment for solvent institutions," he said.
Leila Gold and Pat Bullion are among the parents who campaign relentlessly to keep institutions open.
Look, if you want to promote welfare and tax and spend policies that is one thing but why do you need the charade of keeping institutions like banks at all?
But the Bank Board then decided that was not enough to keep weakened institutions above water until a general economic recovery.