Some of the vans are owned by drivers who pay about $6,000 a year for insurance and keep all their income.
To keep their income at previous levels, doctors voluntarily shortened visits.
This seems likely, which means Senate millionaires will get to keep their unearned income, even as they deny an aboveboard pay raise to poorer members.
An important facet when on the acquisition trail is to keep the agency's gross income up.
The law guaranteed workers the right to keep their wages, their other income and their property.
You could keep not half your income, but three-quarters, and I'd keep one-quarter for my investment.
To keep their income high, the factories began to sell their products at higher prices.
Just keep her income steady and what she does with it is her business.
Paradise for as long as he wanted to live in it and he kept his steady income, too.
Some deliberately keep their income below taxable levels: $4,950 for a single person, $8,900 for a married couple under the age of 65.