After the attack, Japan offers to help Greater Manchuria keep her neighbors at bay.
Worried about rising rents on nearby blocks, the two sisters charge less than the going rate to keep their neighbors in business.
I don't have a single qualm about making a scene guaranteed to keep your neighbors entertained for weeks.
At home, he managed to keep his neighbors on edge.
The geography of where he was raised kept him and his neighbors at least twenty five years behind the rest of America.
He was going to have to pay for enough mercenaries to keep his neighbors from getting ideas about annexing his property to theirs.
In the episode the character Squidward uses the holiday to keep his neighbors from bothering him.
A man of simple beliefs and deep compassion, Balzic has always managed to throw out the lifeline that keeps his neighbors from going under.
That would be self-defeating since the treaty keeps their neighbors from acquiring these arms.
Anyone who was wealthy and landed maintained a brace of samurai to keep his neighbors from taking it all away from him.