To keep ourselves rooted we do the free lectures.
Gravity boots kept her rooted to the floor.
She should have returned Sami to the stroller and headed back to the car, but something kept her rooted to the spot as Noah approached.
He knew he should run or twist away, but the horror of fate kept him rooted to the path.
Haas cites other tactics that keep it competitive while rooted in America.
"Having this collective memory keeps The Day firmly rooted as a community newspaper."
It was silly to stand talking so long, but a longing to see her kept them rooted to the spot.
But when he did appear a suffocating shame kept her rooted to the spot.
He told himself he must press on, but something about the room kept him rooted to the ground.
I think, if fact, that he would have fled the very next moment, but that my lord with one word kept him rooted to the spot.