This year, the company said it expected its export business to keep increasing overall sales.
It also helps companies keep lost sales to a minimum by having enough stock on hand to meet demand.
The tavern license is one that few establishments want because the limits keep sales and profits down.
And the new products do enough - or promise enough - to keep sales soaring.
But toward the end of the year even rebates and attractive loans could not keep sales from falling.
The company receives all of the box office revenue, while the theater keeps sales from popcorn and concessions.
Strong demand has kept sales in 9 of the last 10 months at an annual rate of 15 million cars and trucks, or more.
The pace of the incentives, he said, "is also what's going to keep sales from falling."
And to keep sales from growing stale, several existing companies have moved upscale.
But an increase in the number of tourists helped keep sales from dropping, he added.