Pucky kept sniffing the air and was moaning in anticipation of a delightful meal.
You just keep sniffing around, and you don't give up.
Davy didn't go far, though, for the bear kept sniffing, even in his sleep, to make sure Davy was close by.
The two dogs kept sniffing at me.
If she weren't, the accursed Aquilonian wouldn't keep sniffing around her.
"He always tells me to keep sniffing," Gretzky said.
She either had a cold or a bad coke habit; she kept sniffing.
Had I further doubts, Chief would have dispelled them, for he kept sniffing about, whining a little, starting at the slightest sound.
My dog kept sniffing at my clothes after I came home from our class field trip to a farm.
Low inventory levels may help stores keep from cutting prices too much, but shoppers apparently will still keep sniffing for bargains.