In addition, some primates eat seeds, and this may play a role in keeping common species of plants from becoming too widespread.
By buying his fish small and young he has managed to keep several species together successfully.
The zoo keeps several different species of lemur in their collection.
They split from the rest of Fuentes society and built their defense system to keep other species out.
Episodes usually depict someone getting hurt or killed as a result of keeping exotic species as household pets.
They are not the easiest species to keep in captivity and should be only considered as pets once comfortable with keeping several other species.
It is vital, where fragile natural resources like fisheries are concerned, to keep species at healthy levels through smart, tough conservation laws.
Some aquarists prefer to keep substitute species that look very similar to the Moorish idol.
It is a commonly kept species in the marine aquarium hobby.
Wildlife management is a general term for the process of keeping wild species at desirable levels as determined by wildlife managers.