And not all aspects of how we functioned kept up with the growth.
Current efforts are barely keeping up with the growth of the plant.
Meanwhile, private consumption barely kept up with the overall growth of the economy, hovering at 3.6 to 5.5 percent a year.
The district has kept up with the growth by building campuses and other facilities to maintain students.
At best, it is barely keeping up with the natural growth of the labor force.
Federal officials believe that the new equipment is necessary to keep up with the growth of aviation.
Even counting the surplus, there's not enough money for facilities to keep up with the growth in air travel.
There is also some doubt about whether oil producers can increase world output enough to keep up with the expected growth in demand.
The problem is that since 1989, sales have failed to keep up with the growth in the company's production capacity.
Road builders cannot keep up with the growth of traffic, but technology can help drivers avoid some.