Can football keep youngsters away from drugs, gang violence and Islamic extremists?
Also, can football help keep youngsters away from drugs, gang violence and Islamic extremists?
But housing officials say while the scheme is welcome, many more projects are needed to keep youngsters off the streets.
"It is what's needed to help keep oldsters - and youngsters - in Bayonne," he said.
Children and their families are confronted with a variety of barriers that keep youngsters from getting the preventive care they need, she said.
Studies by the institute at Roosevelt show that Star has made a significant difference in keeping youngsters in school.
In particular we must keep youngsters from being exposed to enticements to drink.
Her goal, she said, is to keep youngsters on track by "involving them."
"It also helps us keep youngsters into sports and away from drugs."
R rating or no, this is the intended audience and it will be hard to keep youngsters away.