"Help keep youth off the streets," I think.
Unchained Talent is an independent after-school extraicurricular club, program, and activity that keep youth driven in education through performing arts.
The program was founded in 2003 in response to a need to keep older youth in Scouting.
"They keep youth off the streets where they get a different kind of education."
Over the years the magazine evolved into a mature glossy but it has kept street style and youth central to every issue.
The fusion of these two sciences is the key to keeping or recovering youth, and transforming health and beauty.
(formerly International Planned Parenthood Federation) said the organization believes the legislation does nothing to keep youth from harm.
He spent the 2006-07 season forming Life Choices Foundation, a nonprofit aiming to keep youth in inner-city Los Angeles out of trouble.
Neither duty nor infirmity could keep youth or age from such exhibitions.