One of the key clauses was that companies who made Nintendo games were not allowed to make that game on a competing system for a period of two years.
The freedom of the press is mentioned by two key clauses in the 1999 Constitution of Venezuela.
A key clause in the agreement being drafted here called for rebel troops to withdraw from areas they have occupied since they returned to war.
Though the accord brought an end to the agitation, some of the key clauses are yet to be implemented, which has kept some of the issues festering.
This key clause was later judicially interpreted to have introduced English law into the Straits Settlements.
Within relational databases using SQL, entity integrity is enforced by adding a primary key clause to a schema definition.
The two key clauses of this agreement were as follows:
She broke the contact and flipped the documents looking for key clauses.
A key clause of the treaty allowed the Japanese to establish industries along the China coast at the designated treaty port cities.
This key clause has never been put into practice, it has never been activated.