Violin training was the critical element to learning to read scores; a key enabler for entry into professional singing later on.
Although this sounds very much like 21st century technology (which is indeed a key enabler), one could argue that precision farming is anything but new.
The three credit rating agencies were key enablers of the financial meltdown.
This language shift, combined with other technical advances was a key enabler for successful industrial usage.
That's a really key enabler of all of this.
In the modern context, technology is a key enabler to achieving this scale.
Interoperability is a key enabler to any virtualization software or device.
"We think secure transaction technology is a key enabler for all sorts of systems we will be bringing out."
A key enabler of police violence is that officers and commanders enjoy almost complete impunity.
One of Germany's key enablers in mobile warfare was the use of radios, where these were put into every tank.