Stephan has also been invited as a key motivational speaker at many international sport conferences.
By the early 1650s Harrison was associated with the radical Fifth Monarchists and became one of their key speakers.
The key speaker, Pastor Soojin Lee - leading powerful worship before her preaching and healing prayer.
Thomas Clarkson was the key speaker, and the Convention attracted people from nations around the world where slavery was practiced.
In 1979 he was one of the key speakers at CERN's 25th anniversary celebrations.
Former prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland was the key speaker today.
Eyre has since been a major supporter of vouchers, and was one of the key speakers for the voucher proposition on Utah's 2007 ballot.
Under the 4th century version of democracy the roles of general and of key political speaker in the assembly tended to be filled by different persons.
She is a frequent key speaker on parent and sibling training, supported employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, inclusion and distance education.
Hosking is often invited as a guest or a key speaker to entertainment and music related conferences around the world.